Winter Semester 2018/2019
WINS lecture Dan Li
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WINS lecture Fischer
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WINS lecture Reitan
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Bios, Abstracts, and Presentations WS 2018/2019
8 October 2018
Prof. Stefanie Sievers-Glotzbach (Bio and Abstract)
Seeds for the future: The transformative potential of commons institutions in plant breeding and seed production
5 November 2018
Dan Li (Bio and Abstract)
The Nature-related Transaction between Farmers and Herders in Xinjiang, China
17 December 2018
Prof. Reinaldo Sagbini (Bio and Abstract)
Lemuria: experimental film as a transdisciplinary research method
28 January 2019
Dr. Richard Reitan (Bio and Abstract)
Forest Aesthetics and Material Reality in Early Twentieth-Century Japan
11 February 2019
Prof. Frank Fischer (Bio and Abstract)
Climate change crisis and environmental democracy
WINS lecture Sagbini
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